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Do You Know How Medications Effect Your Mouth?
Do You Know How Medications Effect Your Mouth?
An educational resource for patients to understand how medications they are taking effect the mouth, based on Pharmacology Tools at The American Academy of Developmental Medicine and Dentistry (AADMD) website: http://www.aadmd.org.

The medications are color coded by four categories according to the effect they have on the oral cavity; Xerostomia(dry mouth), Risk for tooth decay, Risk for irritation to mucosa(soft tissues of the mouth), or Risk for acid reflux (risk for erosion to tooth enamel).

Source from: American Academy of Developmental Medicine and Dentistry. (2010). Generic and trade name medication dental watch list. Retrieved from: https://aadmd.org/page/educational-tools

Oral Health for Children and Adolescents with Special Health Care Needs Challenges and Opportunities
Oral Health for Children and Adolescents with Special Health Care Needs Challenges and Opportunities
Oral Health for Children and Adolescents with Special Health Care Needs Challenges and Opportunities is a fact sheet on the challenges this population experiences around oral care. Facts include statistics on public and private insurance utilization for CYSHCN. Opportunities include referral to dental homes from medical homes; coordinating care and communicating about oral health care needs. Developed by Holt K, Barzel R, Bertness J. Washington, DC: National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center. Second Edition published June 2014. http://www.mchoralhealth.org
Oral Health Care for Children with Special Health Care Needs
Oral Health Care for Children with Special Health Care Needs
A guide for family members/caregivers and dental providers developed in 2008 by an oral health collaboration in Oklahoma.
Parent and Caregivers Guide to Oral Health Care for Children with Special Healthcare Needs
Parent and Caregivers Guide to Oral Health Care for Children with Special Healthcare Needs

This resource guide is designed to give parents and caregivers tips on keeping their child's or teen's mouth  healthy.  The sheets are easy to understand and can help parents take an active role in establishing and maintaining good oral health for their child.  General topics include taking care of teeth, selecting the right toothbrush, adapting toothbrushes, addressing challenges, providing good nutrition, encouraging safety and going to the dentist.

This comprehensive guide was created by the Oral Health Division, Bureau of Maternal and Child Health, South Carolina of Department and Health and Environmental Controls.  www.scdhec.gov




Developmental Disabilities and Oral Health
Developmental Disabilities and Oral Health

Practical Oral Care for people with Developmental Disabilities. A series of education materials developed by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR).  Includes a two credit continuing education test for dental professionals at NIDCR website. http://www.nidcr.nih.gov/OralHealth/Topics/DevelopmentalDisabilities/ContinuingEducation.htm

Guideline on Management of Dental Patients with Special Health Care Needs
Guideline on Management of Dental Patients with Special Health Care Needs

Reference from: American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry

Oral Health Services for Children and Adolescents with Special Health Care Needs
Oral Health Services for Children and Adolescents with Special Health Care Needs

A Resource guide for oral health professionals developed by National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center at Georgetown University.  Second Edition published June 2011.

Healthy Smiles for Autism
Healthy Smiles for Autism

Oral Hygiene Tips for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder developed by Dr. Samuel D. Harris National Museum of Dentistry. 2011. Guide has useful tips on creating oral health routine for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, tips for behavior and sensory modifications, visiting the dentist, and other parent resources.

Special Care: An Oral Health Professional's Guide to Serving Young Children with Special Health Care Needs
Special Care: An Oral Health Professional's Guide to Serving Young Children with Special Health Care Needs

Education modules developed in 2006 by the National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center for oral health professionals.


Special Care Dentistry Association
Special Care Dentistry Association

Link to clinical resources helpful in dental treatment for patients with special health care needs http://www.scdaonline.org/