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Coronavirus/COVID-19 Preparedness Update
Over the course of the last few weeks, BeneCare has worked to ensure that we have contingency plans in place that will allow us to continue to serve our Plan Sponsor, Member, Dentist and Benefit Advisor clients in the event of a more widespread outbreak of COVID-19.

BeneCare maintains a comprehensive business continuity and disaster recovery plan which includes a pandemic response plan. We have convened our pandemic response team and continue to reference and refine activities specific to the COVID-19 outbreak. Our pandemic response team has specific action plans to address developments both under our control and those dictated by Federal, State and local authorities. All actions taken are with the intent to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of our employees and clients as well as the continued successful operation of our business.

Our Corporate Headquarters in Philadelphia, PA and our satelite office in Farmington, CT are currently open for business while our team members meet the needs of all of our Clients while working remotely.

We have recommended to our staff that they follow the CDC-recommended steps for:

  • Hand Hygiene
  • Social Distancing and
  • Staying Home if Sick

These recommendations may require that external meetings, events and presentations be held telephonically, postponed or cancelled.

We will continue to monitor developments closely and adjust our response as needed, with the goal of eliminating any negative impact to our clients while ensuring our employees are protected.

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