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October 6, 2022
CTDHP Office Closed On Monday, October 10th - In observance of Columbus Day, CTDHP office will be closed this Monday, October 10th. We will return to regular business hours on Tuesday, October 11th. Details

April 27, 2022
Need to update your HUSKY Health contact information? It's easy. - Attention HUSKY Health Members: We need your most up-to-date mailing address and phone number to make sure you get important info from Access Health CT and the Connecticut Department of Social Services. By having your updated information, we can get you important updates and information regarding your benefits. It's easy to update. Details

April 12, 2021
HUSKY MEMBER (UPDATED): Endodontic Services - If your dentist suggests endodontic services for you, (example: a root canal) that dentist, beginning May 21, 2021 will need to obtain approval for payment to the HUSKY Health Dental Plan - much like what was done prior to the start of the COVID-19 changes that went into effect. Details

March 28, 2021
HUSKY MEMBER INTEREST: - Did you know COVID vaccines are free for all HUSKY Health Members age 16+ beginning April 1st? Details

May 19, 2020
Updated Summary of Dental Benefits for Medicaid Clients - The summary of dental benefits document for Medicaid clients has been recently updated.

Please click here to read the Summary online.


April 8, 2020
Department Of Social Services Response to COVID-19 - For a snapshot of all of the actions that the Department of Social Services has taken with respect to COVID-19 and easy links to Governor Lamont's updates and press releases, please click the link below.



March 20, 2020
Coronavirus/COVID-19 Preparedness Update - Over the course of the last few weeks, BeneCare has worked to ensure that we have contingency plans in place that will allow us to continue to serve our Plan Sponsor, Member, Dentist and Benefit Advisor clients in the event of a more widespread outbreak of COVID-19. BeneCare maintains a comprehensive business continuity and disaster recovery plan which includes a pandemic response plan. Details

July 10, 2019
Lack Of Evidence Belies Supposed Benefits Of Charcoal Toothpaste - CNET News (7/3, Capritto) reports on the use of activated charcoal in toothpaste. Though CNET says the ads for charcoal toothpaste claim "you'll get a noticeably whiter smile after just one use" in addition to anecdotal claims that "charcoal toothpaste prevents cavities or otherwise promotes better oral health", there's "no evidence to support that." CNET adds, "The evidence is limited, and there's no proof that charcoal toothpaste actually does the things that the Internet claims it does." Details

October 9, 2018
12 Tips for a Healthy Halloween - The sugar in many Halloween treats can have some unwanted effects on you or your children's teeth. A handy guide to reducing these bad effects is on the American Dental Association's Mouth Healthy Website which can be accessed by clicking here. Details

January 2, 2018
For HUSKY Health Clients: Other Changes in HUSKY Health - There are important changes to other parts of HUSKY Health. They are in addition to the Adult Dental Benefit change. That change is talked about in the news item below. Here are links to more info on the others: Details

December 12, 2017
For Clients - Change To Recent Letter On The HUSKY Health Adult Dental - In the past few days you may have received a letter from HUSKY Health on your new adult dental benefit limit. There is a change to a web link in the letter. Do not go to www.ctdssmap.com to see your dental benefit balance. Instead please go to www.ctdhp.com, go to 'Client' and then click on 'Client Login'. Information on how you will be able to look up your balance will be there soon. We apologize for any problem this may have caused. Details

July 27, 2016
For Clients:- CT Medicaid Access Monitoring Review Plan (AMRP) - Effective January 4, 2016, the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) adopted regulations at 42 C.F.R. sections 447.203 and 447.204 that require state Medicaid programs to ensure Medicaid members have access to covered services. The Department of Social Services (DSS), Connecticut's state Medicaid agency, is committed to ensuring that Medicaid members can access the services they need. DSS is also committed to complying with the federal access requirements. Details

June 20, 2016
For HUSKY A Adults: IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR CERTAIN ADULTS - 17,000 adult HUSKY Health parents will be losing their health care coverage on July 31, 2016. They will also lose their dental coverage. Details

May 13, 2016
CTDHP Received Oral Health Champion Award - On Wednesday, May 11, 2016, CTDHP became the recipient of the Oral Health Champion Award from the Connecticut State Dental Association (CSDA). The award recognized our efforts in providing dental services and community based outreach throughout Connecticut. Details

February 5, 2016
Millions of Smiles Protected by Fluoride - Fluoridated drinking water is safe for your health and is effective in preventing cavities. It is trusted by dentists, physicians and health professionals. Fluoridated community water systems are the best way to ensure that everyone - rich, poor, old and young - benefits from fluoride. Details

March 20, 2015
Getting Your Dental Records - Did You Know that under Connecticut law you have the right to access and get copies of your dental records? This is important to do when you go from one dental home to another. Details

July 16, 2014
Good News for Pet Owners! - Effective July 2014, the Department of Social Services is partnering with the Department of Agriculture to offer a spay/neuter program for pets owned by low income families who are eligible for DSS programs such as HUSKY. Details

May 2, 2014
Free Cell Phone for Qualified Clients! - Did you know that the State of CT provides free Cell Phone service for those who qualify? Details

April 25, 2014
Brushup On Oral Health - April, 2014 - TEETHING - The National Center on Health (NCH) is pleased to announce the April 2014 issue of Brush Up on Oral Health. This issue provides information on teething. Details

May 13, 2013
Saliva has cavity-causing bacteria, says response to pacifier study - Should parents suck on a pacifier before baby in order to boost the child's immunity? Not so fast, says the American Dental Association (ADA). Details